"These things you have given me
without my asking:
the sky, the light,
my mind, my body, my life."
Carolina Buckthorn
The Stream Was Dry.
Found Item #1
Found Item#2
Found Item #3
Found Fossils

My time of silence was last minute, but needed. The weather was beautiful and the birds were plentiful. I saw Carolina Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, Blue Jay, Wood Thrush, Red-Headed Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, and Barred Owl.
I re-read Life and Holiness by Thomas Merton. I also enjoyed reading the poetry of Rabindranath Tagore, a Bengali poet who was born in 1861.
"That you protect me in danger-
this is not my prayer;
Let me not know fear
when in danger.
I do not ask You to comfort me
in the heat of sadness,
in an aching state of mind.
Make me victorious
over sadness.
Let not my strength break down
when i find myself without refuge.
If I suffer any worldly loss,
if I'm repeatedly frustrated,
let me not consider this
harm irreparable.
That you come to save me-
this is not my prayer;
I ask for strength
to overcome.
You need not comfort me
by lightening my load;
I ask for strength
to carry my burden.
On days of joy
with humble head
I will remember you.
I will recognize you.
On a dark, sad night,
full of frustrations
O then may i not
doubt you!"